Annual Meeting and JWSA Recipient Presentation

Reminder…our reviews and many other articles on our website are in “blog format” which means you have the ability to “Like” or “Comment” at the end of each article.

This month’s review comes in the form of a thank-you email from member, Jean Formo to our President, Sally, and our Programs Director, Mary. It also includes some wonderful images from Georgia’s presentation. If you missed the meeting, we are hoping this synopsis brings a smile.

To set the stage:

This was of course, a Zoom gathering. After being fully vaccinated, Sally could not pass up the opportunity to visit her son in Chicago for some much needed hugs. Alyssa our Membership Director stepped in as the Zoom Moderator but Sally still wanted to give her “state of the guild” thoughts. So, on her way to Chicago, she stopped at a Panera to set up and log in to Zoom. It was a little chaotic but fit right in with every gathering the Colleagues had this year. It was approached with patience (mostly), jitters, and a great deal of humor! Sally wanted to pass along a big THANK YOU to everyone who has attended anything this past season - your participation, your patience, your sticking with it…were all greatly appreciated.

From Jean:

Today's program was inspirational, enlightening and a great way to end our year. Thanks for all of the hard work you both did to make it a special year for Colleagues. So many challenges to deal with because of the pandemic, and thanks to you, we are still going strong with quality leadership and a path to the future.

Sally, your knowledge of digital technology has been a life saver during this time of separation. It took real courage and determination to forge ahead so that we were NOT among those guilds that decided to halt future programing. Mary, the programing under your leadership has continued to invite the usual enthusiasm and participation of our members. Each one was memorable and beneficial for those who took part.

Gratefully, Jean

From Mary who captured screen shots of Georgia’s presentation.

Artist and CoC member, Georgia Greeley, the 2019 Jo White Scholarship recipient, shared her ongoing journey as a bookmaker, writer and designer. Three of her shared projects were “Sacred Text”, a delightful collection of church children’s interpretation of their faith, an illustrated book for ASL children, a whimsical illustrated “Why Am I Odd” and her current ongoing book project blending Chinese illustrations and western lettering. By showing her talent in blending her many passions, Georgia expanded future scholarship seekers ideas on how to apply for a learning experience outside their immediate circle of expertise.

Note: The Jo White Scholarship is offered once a year to CoC members. An independent jury of members review the applications and present potential scholarhship recipient recommendations to the board who decides if one (or more! and how much) will be offered. Look for application information at the beginning of 2022!

A Week...and then an afternoon...With Sheila Waters & Julian Waters

A Week...and then an afternoon...With Sheila Waters & Julian Waters

Just last Saturday the Colleagues of Calligraphy met for a very special program, indeed! Colleagues member and former president Maura Lynch gave a truly inspirational presentation on her time spent working under the legendary Sheila and Julian Waters in the fall of 2019.